104adt Biomed Department Survey

Biomed Department Survey

What percentage of your vendors supply their own proactive monitoring solution

Is there a multi-vendor proactive monitoring solution presently in place within the Biomed department

Are you familiar with a multi-vendor proactive monitoring solution geared specifically for a Biomed department

How familiar are you with DICOM and how to monitor it

No knowledge
How familiar are you with HL7 and how to monitor it

No knowledge
Would high-level training on DICOM and HL7 be important to your department?

Please rate the importance of features within a proactive monitoring solution?

Does not install software on any monitored device

Not important
Core application can be installed locally or can be vendor hosted

Not Important
Lets Biomed determine the devices to be monitored and how the group them in a logical hierarchy

Not Important
Lets Biomed determine setting such as polling frequency and expected thresholds

Not Important
Lets users pause devices and device groupings when known down-time is planned

Not Important
Has the ability to define graphical outputs which can be displayed where needed

Not Important
Sends notifications via both email and SMS

Not Important
What would be the process to conduct a proof of concept?

Would the hospital pay for a POC, or is it assumed that vendor absorbs all the cost?

Would medical imaging be accepting of a POC?

** Note: DICOM and HL7 monitoring will require imaging support

Would IT be accepting of a POC?

What would the IT department require?

Vendor certification

Network requirements /network impact analysis / security analysis

HIPAA compliance statement

Thank you for completing the survey. If you want to discuss your proactive monitoring needs then fill out the contact form.