104adt Knowledge Test (50 Questions)

Knowledge Test (50 Questions)

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Company Category

Which category best describes your company?


We presently use a proactive monitoring solution to monitor DICOM and HL7 resources

What is the default port for DICOM traffic

Which of the following are true as it relates to the terms "precache" and "prefetch". Select all that apply.

A DICOM modality worklist is a list of all modalities of a specific make and model.

The DICOM standard was first introduced in

ADT, ORM, and ORU are examples of

Which of the following are byproducts of artificial intelligence in medical imaging. Select all that apply.

X-Ray, MRI, CT, and Ultrasound are examples of

Is it possible for a modality to respond to an ICMP ping, and fail a C-ECHO

All modalities connect via a wired connection

An anonymized study implies that only the name field has been cleared so the study cannot be identified

FHIR stands for

Which of the following statements are true. Select all that apply.

The disk space required to hold one tomosynthesis study (mammography 3D study) could be this large.

A study that is 1GB in size is roughly equivalent to how many Microsoft Word documents

A modality will always respond to an ICMP ping

Images being sent outside the domain to have AI interpretation should first be anonymized.

Which of the following characteristics define a DICOM resource. Select all that apply.

A DICOM resource is considered promiscuous if…

All voice recognition applications reside on-site to reduce latency

Which of the following affect an imaging workflow? Select all that apply.

A modality tech must always enter patient demographics into the modality, so the information is incorporated into the study header fields.

When a study beings and ends, a technician must email or text a central monitoring group so the study is removed from the worklist.

A HL7 message contains header fields as well as pixel image data.

All of the following departments use imaging – radiology, cardiology, gastroenterology, urology, gynecology, nephrology, neurology, ophthalmology, and pathology.

What does HL7 stand for?

Artificial intelligence applications may physically exist where? Select all that apply.

If your PACS application is hosted at AWS and AWS states a 99.9% uptime, then which of the following are true. Select all that apply.

Test environments are typically sized to match production size in terms of compute and storage.

A reading workstation in the mammography department has the same resolution as a reading workstations that reads MRI studies in the general reading room.

The HL7 standard was first introduced in

Proactive monitoring solutions require a software agent be installed on all monitored devices

Fields in a DICOM header may be altered once a study a study has been completed

The FHIR standard is fixed. All vendors must abide by the standard with no exclusions or additions to be considered FHIR compliant.

Assume a HL7 message router is listening for orders from two different EMR systems. The message router must be configured to listen for these messages on two different incoming ports.

A 3D post processing application is always incorporated into a PACS solution.

Artificial intelligence in medical imaging may be used to. Select all that apply.

Medical imaging studies are not compressed on disk because they must maintain their original resolution.

A PACS production and test environment always requires two different physical or virtual servers.

How many fields in a DICOM header must be anonymized to be considered HIPAA compliant?

The terms PACS, Enterprise Archive, and Vendor Neutral Archive refer to image storage solutions. Which statement is incorrect?

Radiologists can read a study from their home. Which statement is false?

Which of the following regarding proactive monitoring are true. Select all that apply.

Prior studies may be obtained using the following approaches. Select all that apply.

If a study requires contrast material, then the technician must always communicate the type and amount of contrast that was used.

The term “tesla” refers to which characteristic of a MRI machine

Which of the following are byproducts of artificial intelligence in medical imaging. Select all that apply.

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